one year photo in baby girl nursery


I can’t believe I am here already… staring down another first birthday.

It’s been emotional. Sitting down to write about the joy that surrounds such a huge milestone, I feel overcome by emotion – of all kinds. Emotions that I cannot ignore as I think about the last 21 months and the sadness that came before that. Loosing our twins, exactly two years ago today… that late miscarriage changed me. I knew loss, fear, and devastating heartbreak like never before. I was scared that if we ever tried again it might end with the same result. I wanted so badly for Ava to have a sibling, a best friend. I wanted her to have someone who she could grow with and share in her parents love and protection. I worried that Myra wouldn’t come. That worry lasted long (too long) into carrying her, as most days I gave into fear of loss again. I put on a strong exterior but internally​ -​​while​ trus​ting​ God​-​ ​my fear was too real.

We got pregnant so fast after my D+C procedure, I don’t know that I was able to truly mourn the loss. I feel guilty even writing that, knowing so many amazing, wonderful, and strong women who struggle with infertility and losses of their own​.​ ​B​ut it was my reality. And that reality came with so many emotions. (Plus crazy pregnancy hormones… so I will just let your imaginations go to work on what a mess I was throughout another physically difficult pregnancy. Shout out to all of my other SPD mamas out there… you are stronger than you know. Th​at​ excruciating pain ​=​ worth it.)

I actually stated​ early​ laboring on this exact day​, July 25th​, one year ago. ​The one year anniversary of losing ​our baby boys. I couldn’t believe the timing.

Two days later, ​Myra was in our arms… meeting her big sister.

I will never, absolutely never​,​ forget being in that moment​…​ watching them meet and hearing Ava’s high pitched voice say how cute ​her baby sister was​.​ This was meant to be. ​There was so much happiness the day she arrived. The past year has been filled with more happiness than I feel like I deserve most days.

But damn if there are​n’t​ moments that I get overwhelmed and sad about our boys that we never get to hold. I think of them daily and will forever love the reminder tattooed on my left wrist​​. I will never not miss them and wonder what our lives would ​have ​look​ed​ like if they were with us. But I know that God gave us Myra ​and I never want to know a life without her. My family is everything to me and she, in so many ways, makes it feel more complete. ​

​So here we are… another first birthday. ​ ​Our sweet and strong-willed girl is racing farther and farther from being my baby. She’s turning one in two short days. I will no doubt cry my eyes out as I rock her to sleep the night before. The same way that I did with her big sister. Because it’s been the most glorious, exhausting, gone-in-the-blink-of-an-eye year. I will hold her a little longer than normal and she will wake up my little one year old.

​They say that they grow up too fast and you don’t get it until these milestone punch you in the gut and start passing by, one by one. So we will celebrate and love on our Miss Myra Jane, just like we do everyday, and thank God that she’s ours.

“Sto lat” my baby girl. Mama loves you like you will never know. I cannot get over how happy you and that big sister of yours make me and your daddy. xo.

fresh 48 newborn photo at hospital

Family newborn photo at West Penn Hospital

Newborn photos at West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh PA

Big Sister Meeting and loving her new baby sister at the hospital

mother holding daughter with newborn daughter at hospital

photos of toddler big sister and newborn girl on bed of home

natural photos of newborn swaddled and yawning

two months old baby girl in crib

newborn gets sweet kiss from big sister

sisters being silly at home

four month old baby girl photo on pottery barn cable knit blanket

newborn and big sister selfie with daddy

photo of 5 months old girl and toddler sister in front of Christmas tree

Older sibling kissing younger sibling

photo of 6 month old baby sitting up

daughters posing with daddys fire turnout gear

baby and toddler sister doing arts and crafts

Daddy and daughters in front of home in Pittsburgh PA

baby girl napping in batgirl hat

toddler and baby sister snuggling with grandma

adorable sister in crib smiling

daddy reading to baby girl at bedtime

baby wonder woman in front of pittsburgh city skyline

baby girl in singlasses

daddy and baby girl feeding a giraffe

baby girl in oshkosh outfit

sibling sister playing blocks outdoors together

9 month old eating pizza for the first time

10 month old girl having a bottle at pool

11 month old standing and playing

baby girl in daddys hat

baby girl eating ice cream in adorable romper

sibling sisters in adorable boys and dresses

11 month ols girl making a mess of home living room

one year photo in baby girl nursery


No added to-dos, just added memories to your life.

You’re busier than you ever thought you’d be. Between chasing toddlers around, work commitments, mastering the art of diaper changes, herding kids to practice, and trying to get some me time, it’s hard to imagine adding anything to your plate.

As a mama of two, I get it!

I'm here to simplify the photography process for you so you can keep focusing on what you need to.

If you want no-stress & natural maternity, newborn, and family photography — I'm your girl.

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Hi, I'm Melissa!

Say goodbye to unnatural and inauthentic photoshoots. I use a child-led approach to guarantee a fun, stress-free family photography session!

Maternity sessions, for me, are a celebration of your incredible journey, and the overflowing love you already feel for the little human you're about to meet.

The early days with your newborn are like nothing else. We’ll capture all the precious moments that make the sleepless nights and diaper changes all worth it.


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