Pittsburgh Children and Family Photographer 10

The D Family at Home + North Park

Photographing this family meant so much to me. Long story (kinda) short, this gorgeous mama became friends with my husband at the gym a few years back. They forced me to take my first ever spin class (thank you, BTW) and we’ve stayed in touch ever since! We were randomly talking one day about how we both got puppies, only to realize that we picked them out from the same litter.  Our pups are BROTHERS – how cool!!   We did not plan this but it sealed our little bond and I really couldn’t be happier to have them as friends and “puppy relatives” for life!

I was so excited that mom asked me to shoot a family session after their little passed her half-way-to-one milestone.  Time is really flying for this family and they understand how important it is to make time for the 3 (4 – pups are family too) of them to just be together.

Their sweet baby girl, Callie, got the very best of each of their personalities.  She is really so perfect, and um… hilarious.  Her cute hair, big eyes, “monkey toes” and adorable facial expressions are just the best.  Callie is one active baby.  She loves to chew on books, stare at her big brother, roam the house in her walker and be outside.  We did a little bit of everything while at home and ended things out in the snow!! It really doesn’t matter what she is doing… you just cannot be within 5 feet of her and not smile.  My cheeks hurt when I wrapped this session because little Callie plasters a permanent smile on the face of those around her.

Pittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Children's PhotographerPittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Child PhotographerPittsburgh Children's PhotographerPittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Family PhotographerPittsburgh Family Photographer


No added to-dos, just added memories to your life.

You’re busier than you ever thought you’d be. Between chasing toddlers around, work commitments, mastering the art of diaper changes, herding kids to practice, and trying to get some me time, it’s hard to imagine adding anything to your plate.

As a mama of two, I get it!

I'm here to simplify the photography process for you so you can keep focusing on what you need to.

If you want no-stress & natural maternity, newborn, and family photography — I'm your girl.

family photographer in pittsburgh, pa  who gets it

Hi, I'm Melissa!

Say goodbye to unnatural and inauthentic photoshoots. I use a child-led approach to guarantee a fun, stress-free family photography session!

Maternity sessions, for me, are a celebration of your incredible journey, and the overflowing love you already feel for the little human you're about to meet.

The early days with your newborn are like nothing else. We’ll capture all the precious moments that make the sleepless nights and diaper changes all worth it.


For the whole timeline of life, I got your back.

What I can capture for you.

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The journey of motherhood is filled with fleeting moments waiting to be treasured. From tips on capturing your little ones' everyday joy to thoughtfully designed presets, my resources are crafted with love for every mama. 

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i'm a photographer!

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