Photographing new families is a huge responsibility. To be invited into a home at such a vulnerable time for first time parents is a big deal. My goal is laid back comfort, for everyone involved. Baby runs the show but it’s important that I keep everyone as relaxed as possible. The last thing anyone needs in those first few weeks of life is added stress. Before a session, I reiterate to mamas that this experience should be enjoyed. If anyone needs more time to bounce back from delivery, that’s perfectly fine. Your home doesn’t need to be perfect and picked up. Your baby is allowed to cry. You are allowed to nurse for as long as you need. Your puppy is allows to steal the spotlight for a while. The only thing new parents NEED to do is hold and love the little life they finally have in their arms. Pour all of themselves into an hour or so where the only focus is being together and documenting this new normal. Babies stay brand new for what feels like a minute, and then they are off… growing too big, too fast and ever changing.
Their adventure has begun.

I love this room. So much.
(So much so that I took the color and made it the accent wall in my own bedroom! Call me inspired.)

Upsimples swaddles (and a diaper bag for daddy) were such a perfect fit for this family and room. So good!