For the past few weeks, I’ve been starring at my September/October/November calendar and thinking… WOAH. I’m humbled by the number of families (both repeat and new clients) who have looked at my work and said, “Yep, that’s the photographer for my family this Fall!” (xoxo)
The jam-packed months ahead have me being VERY protective of my own family time. It’s important. The moments that I set aside for the people that I love most in this world will only make me a better photographer for you!
Today for example: I shut down the second I heard my daughter wake up from her afternoon nap. I was mid-reply to a client with a session that won’t happen for another couple of weeks. Normally, I would have finished that email, letting her cry a little, calling my name for a minute or two… or five (guilty work-at-home mom moment). Not today. Not anymore. That reply isn’t more important than my daughter and the wonderful people that I work for won’t be bothered that their reply is coming to them a few hours later than normal – even the next day or not until after the weekend (because that’s when I’m doing most of my shooting). So I scooped my daughter out of her crib, we folded some laundry together (exciting, huh), cooked a homemade pizza together, waited for my husband to get home, scarfed down a few slices, and then went to a nearby playground as a family. An hour at that place watching our sweet girl have the time of her life made our hearts happy. And time spent like that (not checking email, worrying about an upcoming shoot, etc) is going to happen more often.
I’m a wife and mama first and remembering that is only going to make me a better photographer and business owner. Yes, my clients mean a ton to me, but my family means more! So this Fall, if I don’t get back to you right away, know that I’m busy soaking up the kind of moments that you can see below… and I’m not sorry. (Gosh that sounds harsh when I type it but the over apologizer, in me needed to get it out there!)
I challenge all of the hardworking moms and dads out there to do the same.
Dear Fall, LET’S DO THIS!!!